Arsenale è un evento al coperto, apre alle 22:00 con l’intrattenimento nei block 93 (main room) e 94 (second room); chiusura ore 3:30

Arsenale is an indoor event that opens at 22:00, lights turn down and the volume raise up with the artists until 3:30am

Arsenale ouvre tous les jours à 22:00, jusqu’à 03:30

El Arsenale se abre a las 22:00, se apagan las luces y se sube el volumen para seguir con los mejores djs y aritistas hasta las 3:30

E’ consentito l’accesso alle feste notturne SOLO ai maggiori di 17 anni.
NOTA BENE -> NON verranno serviti alcolici (ne birra ne cocktail) ai minori di 18 anni, tutti i partecipanti dovranno fornire il documento di identità in corso di validità per certificare l’eta SIA all’ingresso SIA al bar.

Your Ticket is intended for You only.
You must have one of the following forms of approved identification to enter the Event that demonstrate proof of age.  No exceptions will be made.
Entry into the Event is limited to persons that meet the minimum age requirements on or before the day of the Event.  To enter the Event as a general Admission ticket holder, You must be at least seventeen (17) years of age or older.

L’accès aux parties est autorisé uniquement pour les plus de 16 ans.
Veuillez noter : nous ne servirons pas d’alcool (bière et mixte) aux moins de 18 ans, tous les participants doivent fournir ID pour certifier  l’âge, à l’entrée comme dans la barre.

Está permitido el acceso a las fiestas nocturnas  sólo a aquellos mayores de 16 años.
Por favor nota: no se servirá alcohol (cerveza y mixtos) a aquellos menores de 18 años, todos los participantes deben proporcionar el DNI para certificar la edad tanto a la entrada como en la barra del bar.

Al fine di garantire l’incolumità di tutti i partecipanti e preservare l’ambiente storico dei locali non sarà consentito accedere all’interno con bottiglie di alcun genere ne materiali ritenuti pericolosi dai nostri operatori all’ingresso. Indumenti ed effetti personali oltre ai travestimenti (maschere di carnevale) potranno essere sottoposte a valutazione prima dell’ingresso.
NON sono consentite sostanze stupefacenti di alcun genere, nemmeno per uso terapeutico, chi venisse trovato in possesso verrà prontamente segnalato alle forze competenti e bandito per l’intera manifestazione

In order to ensure the safety of all the participants will not be allowed access inside with bottles of any kind of materials considered dangerous by our operators at the entrance.
Personal belongings and clothes (carnival masks) may be evaluated before the admission.
Drugs are not allowed of any kind, not even for personal use, those who were found in possession will be readily dismissed and banished for the entire review.

Afin d’assurer la sécurité de tous les participants et à préserver le local ne sera pas autorisé à accéder à l’intérieur avec des bouteilles ou considérés comme des matières dangereuses par nos opérateurs à l’entrée.
Vêtements et objets personnels ainsi que des costumes (masques de carnaval) peuvent avoir une évaluation avant l’admission. Drogues ne sont pas autorisés, ni pour usage personnel, qui sont vus en possession serons rapidement jeté d´hors de la salle.

Con el fin de garantizar la seguridad de todos los participantes y preservar el ambiente del local no se permitirá el acceso al  interior con botellas o con materiales considerados peligrosos por nuestros operadores en la entrada.
Objetos personales y ropa además de disfraces (máscaras de carnaval) pueden someterse a evaluación antes de la admisión.
No se permiten drogas de ningún tipo, ni para uso personal, quienes sean vistos en posesión serán fácilmente echados fuera del local


Non sono gradite esagerazioni di alcuna natura. Comportamenti incivili, irrispettosi, fraudolenti o pericolosi verranno risolti con l’immediato allontanamento dei responsabili per tutto l’arco della manifestazione. Non verranno altresì tollerati  improperi e mancanze di rispetto nei confronti di alcun operatore dell’organizzazione. Molocinque si riserva di segnalare alle autorità i responsabili dei casi più gravi.


Every attendee (including media) will be searched prior to entry. Secondary searches within the venue may be performed at any time during the event. By purchasing a ticket, you agree to submit to a thorough search, including emptying your pockets and bags, a full pat-down, having all of your items examined, and possibly removing your shoes. Security officers work both inside and outside our events. All narcotics laws are strictly enforced. We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone.


The use or possession of any illegal drugs will not be tolerated anywhere inside or outside the venue. Narcotics officers will be working both areas and enforcing all drug-related laws. Do not bring any illegal substances to the event; violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If you are found intoxicated at entry, security will not allow you to enter the venue. Event staff reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone. Be responsible, and make smart choices.

Les différends de toute nature, qu’elle soit limitée ou étendue comme des comportements non civilisés se résoudra avec le départ de l’épreuve des responsables. Manque de respect à utilisateur de l’organisation n’est pas toléré à n’importe quel. Molocinque se réserve le droit de poursuivre en justice les responsables.

Las disputas de cualquier naturaleza, ya sean limitadas o prolongadas como los comportamientos incivilizados serán resueltas con la salida del evento de los responsables.
Tampoco se tolerarán falta de respeto a cualquier usuario de la organización.
Molocinque se reserva el derecho a demandar a los responsables de los casos más graves